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Issue citizen documents

Privacy policy – your personal information

This privacy policy explains how Civil Registry uses information about you, in order to give you access to its documents, in order to confirm their validity. These documents can be a birth certificate, a death certificate, a certificate of permanent residence or a certificate of origin.

Types of information collected and used

Civil Registry doesn’t collect any details from you.

If you leave feedback in Help us improve this service, the following information is collected:

Why Civil Registry uses your information

If you leave feedback in Help us improve our service, it will be used to help us assess how users feel about their experience of using the service. This is so we can identify improvement areas, prioritize enhancements and get source ideas for new developments.

How your personal information is stored

Your information is stored securely on servers based in Cyprus.

Your rights

If you have a question about your personal information contact


You can complain about the way your personal information has been used by contacting the Office of the Commissioner for Personal Data Protection.